1988-1992 PhD. Thesis Medieval Iron and Steel Production - An Assessment of the Changing Technology of European Ferrous Alloy Production Through the Analysis of Medieval and Renaissance Armour.
Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford.
1984-1988 B.Sc. (Hons) in Archaeological Sciences (First Class).
Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford.
1977-1980 HND in Metallurgy. Department of Metallurgy, Sheffield City Polytechnic.
In 2019 David Starley, already having painted commercially for many years, took on the running of The Bingley Gallery, as an outlet for his own and other contemporary artists work. For the present this does not allow involvement in archaeometallurgical projects, beyond his own interests, in particular for looking into the ironworking heritage of the Aire Valley.
From June 2008 David worked as a freelance archaeometallurgical specialist, primarily undertaking the assessment and analysis of assemblages of metallurgical artefacts and debris on behalf of a number of commercial archaeology units in the UK. Also undertaking preparation and presentation of a module on archaeometallurgy to Bradford University undergraduate and Masters Archaeological Science students in 2010.
1999-2008 Collections Care Department, Royal Armouries Museum:
Scientific Officer undertaking research and other technological investigations of artefacts in the museum’s collection.
1993-99 Ancient Monuments Laboratory, English Heritage:
Archaeological Scientist providing technological expertise on the past use of materials, particularly iron alloys.
1991-92Ancient Metallurgy Research Group, University of Bradford:
Archaeometallurgical Consultant specialising in ferrous metals and metalworking debris.
1992 Geophysical Surveys of Bradford:
Occasional field assistant undertaking commercial geophysical prospection
1987 Programa Antropologia para el Ecuador:
Environmental Archaeologist processing archaeologically recovered samples and ecofacts, conducting vegetation surveys and designing new laboratory facilities.
1986-87 Royal Armouries in HM Tower of London:
Conservation Officer, undertaking investigation of historic artefacts.
1983-84 National Parks and Wildlife Service (Tasmania):
Information Officer on historic site conservation project.
1981-82 Bradford Kendal Foundries, Sydney:
Metallurgist, primarily analysing cast steels by optical emission spectroscopy.
1980 Imperial Smelting Processes Research Group, Bristol:
Part of a team developing metal extraction and recycling techniques.
1978 Guest, Keen and Nettlefold Research and Development Laboratory, Cardiff: Mechanical testing and metallography of structural steels.
Extensive and varied experience of archaeological fieldwork on sites in Britain and abroad totalling 25 months.