Please note that David Starley is not currently practising archaeometallury commercially, though he retains his interest in the subject. He is currently working as a fine artist and runs
The Bingley Gallery David Starley is a trained metallurgist and archaeological scientist who has specialised in archaeometallurgy for the past 30 years. Having previously been employed by the former English Heritage Ancient Monuments Lab and The Royal Armouries, he now works as a freelance archaeometallurgical specialist providing a service for archaeological units, museums and other heritage organisations who lack such expertise within their own staff. Particular specialisms:
Working from home, visiting your site or offices, or making use of analytical facilities elsewhere, a flexible approach can be chosen to provide input at any stage of an archaeological project: • Consultation at project planning stage • On site advice during field survey and excavation. For example, building a reference collection, recording and identifying structural remains, developing sampling strategies for bulk slags and hammerscale. • Post excavation assessment of the material To evaluate the nature and scale of metalworking on site and to determine its importance to the site and region. • Analysis phase. Including, if appropriate, any use physical and chemical analytical methods applied to finds or debris. Expertise includes X-radiography, metallographic examination, SEM-based microanalysis, XRF and XRD. • Report writing and publication Clients include: CFA Archaeology Royal Armouries Museum Cotswold Archaeology Surrey County Archaeology Surrey Archaeological Society Archaeology Warwickshire Birmingham Archaeology Border Archaeology Oxford Archaeology (East) Pre-Construct Archaeology West Yorkshire Archaeology Albion Archaeology Museum of London Archaeology Oxford Archaeology Worcestershire Archaeology Service Northern Archaeological Associates Bristol & Region Archaeological Services |